How to split a List[Either[A, B]]

Not sure this is really much neater, but :

scala> def splitEitherList[A,B](el: List[Either[A,B]]) = {
         val (lefts, rights) = el.partition(_.isLeft)
splitEitherList: [A, B](el: List[Either[A,B]])(List[A], List[B])

scala> val el : List[Either[Int, String]] = List(Left(1), Right("Success"), Left(42))
el: List[Either[Int,String]] = List(Left(1), Right(Success), Left(42))

scala> val (leftValues, rightValues) = splitEitherList(el)
leftValues: List[Int] = List(1, 42)
rightValues: List[String] = List("Success")

Starting Scala 2.13, most collections are now provided with a partitionMap method which partitions elements based on a function which returns either Right or Left.

In our case, we don't even need a function that transforms our input into Right or Left to define the partitioning as we already have Rights and Lefts. Thus a simple use of identity:

val (lefts, rights) = List(Right(2), Left("a"), Left("b")).partitionMap(identity)
// lefts: List[String] = List(a, b)
// rights: List[Int] = List(2)

If scalaz is one of your dependencies I would simply use separate:

import scalaz.std.list._
import scalaz.std.either._
import scalaz.syntax.monadPlus._

val el : List[Either[Int, String]] = List(Left(1), Right("Success"), Left(42))

scala> val (lefts, rights) = el.separate
lefts: List[Int] = List(1, 42)
rights: List[String] = List(Success)


