How to split a string in two substrings of same length using bash?
Using parameter expansion and shell arithmetic:
The first half of the variable will be:
The second half of the variable will be:
so you could use:
printf '%s\n' "${var:0:${#var}/2}" "${var:${#var}/2}"
You could also use the following awk command:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=""}{for(i=1;i<=NF/2;i++)printf $i}{printf "\n"}{for(i=NF/2+1;i<=NF;i++){printf $i}{printf "\n"}}'
$ echo abcdef | awk 'BEGIN{FS=""}{for(i=1;i<=NF/2;i++)printf $i}{printf "\n"}{for(i=NF/2+1;i<=NF;i++){printf $i}{printf "\n"}}'
Using split
, here strings and command substitution:
printf '%s\n' "$(split -n1/2 <<<$var)" "$(split -n2/2 <<<$var)"
Another awk
script can be:
echo abcdef | awk '{print substr($0,1,length/2); print substr($0,length/2+1)}'