How to spread out the letters a little bit when using text decoration?
What you are trying to achieve is called letterspacing, and one possibility would be to use the microtype
package: It provides the commands \textls[<letterspacing amount>]{<text>}
and \lsstyle
. Since it doesn't seem to be possible to typeset text in the decoration if it appears inside an argument (or at least I couldn't find out how), only the latter can be used here:
\usetikzlibrary{arrows, decorations.text}
\draw[->, cyan!50!white, line width=1.5mm ] (6.8cm,-1.7) -- (9.5cm,-1.7) arc (-90:0:1.5) -- (11cm,1.5);
\draw[decoration={text along path, text={|\sffamily\lsstyle|gather},text align={center},raise=0.2cm},decorate] (6.8cm,-1.7) -- (9.5cm,-1.7) arc (-90:0:1.5) -- (11cm,1.5);
\draw[->, cyan!50!white, line width=1.5mm ] (6.8cm,-1.7) -- (9.5cm,-1.7) arc (-90:0:1.5) -- (11cm,1.5);
\draw[decoration={text along path, text={|\sffamily|g{\kern1pt a}{\kern1pt t}{\kern1pt h}{\kern1pt e}{\kern1pt r}{}},text align={center},raise=0.2cm},decorate] (6.8cm,-1.7) -- (9.5cm,-1.7) arc (-90:0:1.5) -- (11cm,1.5);
The letterspacing amount can be modified with the letterspace
package option:
where the number denotes thousandths of an em
, so in this case 0.15em (the default is 0.1em). To change the letterspacing amount locally, you could define a new command:
\newcommand\ltsp[1]{\expandafter\def\csname MT@letterspace@\endcsname{#1}\lsstyle}
and use it like this: text={|\sffamily\ltsp{400}|gather}
(Note that letterspacing with microtype
works with pdflatex or lualatex, but not with xelatex.)
Here is a solution with the text effects along path
option of the decorations.text
library. I increased the gap, you can manage it by changing the character widths={inner xsep=1pt}
\usetikzlibrary{arrows, decorations.text}
text effects along path,
text align=center,
text effects/.cd,
characters={ text along path,font=\bf\sffamily},
character widths={inner xsep=1pt}}]
\draw[->,cyan!50!white,text=black,line width=1.5mm,
preaction={decorate} ]
(6.8cm,-1.7) -- (9.5cm,-1.7) arc (-90:0:1.5) -- (11cm,1.5);
Here I create a tokcycle
package macro \spaceouttext{gap}{text}
that, when invoked, creates the desired tokens in the package's token register named \cytoks
. Thus, do the invocation prior to the \draw
and pass \the\cytoks
as the textual argument.
\usetikzlibrary{arrows, decorations.text}
\draw[->, cyan!50!white, line width=1.5mm ] (6.8cm,-1.7) -- (9.5cm,-1.7) arc (-90:0:1.5) -- (11cm,1.5);
\draw[decoration={text along path, text={|\sffamily|\the\cytoks},text align={center},raise=0.2cm},decorate] (6.8cm,-1.7) -- (9.5cm,-1.7) arc (-90:0:1.5) -- (11cm,1.5);