How to SSH into WSL

Change the 22 port to a other one,such as 2222,in the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config,then restart the ssh service by the commond sudo service ssh --full-restart,you will successfully login.But I don't know the reason.

I also try use it as a remote gdb server for visual studio by VisualGDB,it not works well. VisualGDB will support it in the next version as the offical website shows.The link is

Port 22 does not work because Windows comes with a built in SSH server.

Windows 10 comes with an SSH server, and it will either need to be disabled or the port that will be used for SSH on WSL will need to be changed. I chose to do the latter and use port 2200 for WSL SSH.


When you login, use your Windows Microsoft Account password, not your WSL Linux user password. You will be logged into your Windows home directory running cmd.exe. Enter command /windows/system32/bash.exe ~ --login to log into your WSL home directory and execute your .profile.