How to stop all tests from inside a test or setUp using unittest?

In case you are interested, here is a simple example how you could make a decision yourself about exiting a test suite cleanly with py.test:

# content of
import pytest
counter = 0
def setup_function(func):
    global counter
    counter += 1
    if counter >=3:
        pytest.exit("decided to stop the test run")

def test_one():
def test_two():
def test_three():

and if you run this you get:

$ pytest 
============== test session starts =================
platform linux2 -- Python 2.6.5 -- pytest-1.4.0a1
test path 1: ..

!!!! Exit: decided to stop the test run !!!!!!!!!!!!
============= 2 passed in 0.08 seconds =============

You can also put the py.test.exit() call inside a test or into a project-specific plugin.

Sidenote: py.test natively supports py.test --maxfail=NUM to implement stopping after NUM failures.

Sidenote2: py.test has only limited support for running tests in the traditional unittest.TestCase style.

Currently, you can only stop the tests at the suite level. Once you are in a TestCase, the stop() method for the TestResult is not used when iterating through the tests.

Somewhat related to your question, if you are using python 2.7, you can use the -f/--failfast flag when calling your test with python -m unittest. This will stop the test at the first failure.

See failfast, catch and buffer command line options

You can also consider using Nose to run your tests and use the -x, --stop flag to stop the test early.

Here's another answer I came up with after a while:

First, I added a new exception:

class StopTests(Exception):
Raise this exception in a test to stop the test run.


then I added a new assert to my child test class:

def assertStopTestsIfFalse(self, statement, reason=''):
        assert statement            
    except AssertionError:
        result.addFailure(self, sys.exc_info())

and last I overrode the run function to include this right below the testMethod() call:

except StopTests:
    result.addFailure(self, sys.exc_info())

I like this better since any test now has the ability to stop all the tests, and there is no cpython-specific code.