How to stop interval from observable

The code below will produce the following output:

Starting interval..
Next tick is: 1
Next tick is: 2
Next tick is: 3
Next tick is: 4
Next tick is: 5
Interval complete

If you uncomment this line: "// if( t==3 ) dispose();" it will only print the following:

Starting interval..
Next tick is: 1
Next tick is: 2
Next tick is: 3

the code:

         Observable.interval(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS).take(5).subscribeWith(new DisposableObserver<Long>() {
        @Override public void onStart() {                
            // do whatever might be needed here to run once before
            // the interval begins
            System.out.println("Starting interval..");
        @Override public void onNext(Long t) {
            System.out.println("Next tick is: "+t);
            // if( t==3 ) dispose();
        @Override public void onError(Throwable t) {
        @Override public void onComplete() {
            // will be called once when all 5 ticks are completed
            // will NOT be called if dispose() has been called
               System.out.println("Interval complete");

You can stop an Observable.interval using takeUntil as follows:

Observable.interval(0, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
            .takeUntil(new Predicate<Long>() {
                public boolean test(Long aLong) throws Exception {
                    return aLong == 10;
            .subscribe(new Consumer<Long>() {
                public void accept(Long aLong) throws Exception {
                    Log.d(TAG, "Tick: " + aLong);

In this example, after 10 seconds, observable will stop.

I guess Observable.takeUntil(stopPredicate) or Observable.takeWhile(predicate) can help you:

Observable.interval(timeout, interval, TimeUnit.SECONDS) 
.takeWhile(val -> val < 42)

Here observable will terminate on 42th attempt


Rx Java