How to stop the node.js inspector / Chrome Debugger on SIGINT?

It seems that VSCode, Puppeteer, nodemon, express, etc. causes this problem, you ran a process in the background or just closed the debugging area [browser, terminal, etc. ] or whatever , anyway, you can in CMD run

$ ps ax | grep node


$ killall -9 node

it is not the best solution, also, i may suggest that you look for the process using this port then send close signal

$ sudo ss -lptn 'sport = :9229'


$ sudo netstat -nlp | grep :9229


$ sudo lsof -n -i :9229 | grep LISTEN


$ sudo kill <pid>

OR JUST [the two steps in one]

$ sudo kill `sudo lsof -t -i:9229`


$ sudo kill $(sudo lsof -t -i:9229)

This works for me:

fuser -k -n tcp 9229