How to store enum to map using Java 8 stream API

public enum FibreSpeed {
        a30M( "30Mb Fibre Connection - Broadband Only", 100 ),
        a150M( "150Mb Fibre Connection - Broadband Only", 300 ),
        a1G( "1Gb Fibre Connection - Broadband Only", 500 ),
        b30M( "30Mb Fibre Connection - Broadband & Phone", 700 ),
        b150M( "150Mb Fibre Connection - Broadband & Phone", 900 ),
        b1G( "1Gb Fibre Connection - Broadband & Phone", 1000 );

        public String speed;
        public int    weight;

        FibreSpeed(String speed, int weight) {
            this.speed = speed;
            this.weight = weight;

        public static Map<String, Integer> SPEEDS = Stream.of( values() ).collect( Collectors.toMap( k -> k.speed, v -> v.weight ) );

I guess there are some typos in your code (the method should be static in my opinion, your constructor is doing a no-op at the moment), but if I'm following you, you can create a stream from the array of enums and use the toMap collector, mapping each enum with its EntityType for the keys, and mapping the instance itself as a value:

private static final Map<EntityType, EntityTypeInfo> lookup =
          .collect(Collectors.toMap(EntityTypeInfo::getEntityType, e -> e));

The toMap collector does not make any guarantee about the map implementation returned (although it's currently a HashMap), but you can always use the overloaded variant if you need more control, providing a throwing merger as parameter.

You could also use another trick with a static class, and fill the map in the constructor.