How to strike out inside LaTeX equations?
It looks like the \sout
doesn't work inside a math env.
You can try doing something like this, which works:
The sout tag works perfect in the \sout{main text area} but not inside the equations.
$list = $[1, \sout{2}, 3, \sout{4}, 5, \sout{6}, 7, \sout{8}, 9, \sout{10}$]$
Any clue?
If you need to keep the strikeout in Math mode (e.g., to keep Math fonts) try:
you need amsmath and ulem.
(Solution from here.)
If anyone's still interested, I just found out about the cancel package, which allows you to strike your text in math mode in a few different ways. It's not horizontal, though -- only diagonal, which in my case is much better.