Apple - How to switch between multiple fullscreen windows of same application in OS X?

Unfortunately, there is no shortcut to switch between fullscreen windows of the same application.

You have two alternatives that are not ideal but enough:

  1. Shortcuts to switch between spaces/desktops or jump to a specific one

enter image description here

  1. Gestures to switch between spaces/desktops

enter image description here

To make this workflow work well, just put your fullscreen windows side by side.

Apart from Mission Control, there also is the Dock.

When you click repeatedly it will cycle through the application's full screen spaces.

If you know how to bind an applescript to keyboard shortcut/trackpad gesture, this is the answer for you.

The script is meant to be universal. It uses the most generalized terms to include as many scenarios as possible. I've tested on Finder, Script Editor, and Firefox. No errors.

However, it has caveats:

  1. The script only works when there's only one instance of an app. (BTW, it still says "several instances" in the text of OP.) It's possible to work multiple-instance into it, but that's a fight for another day.

  2. This script scrolls down the list of windows in Window menu. It in essence clicks the item right below the one with a check ("✓") mark. If the item with a "✓" is the last item, the script will instead click the first item under the last separator line. A script that goes backward in the reverse direction can be obtained be modifying this script. However, I do not see how the two can be combined into a single script.

  3. The try statement that produces an errorMessage is the most CPU-efficient way I know to produce the index of the separator. If you know a better way, please enlighten me.

The script:

tell application "System Events" to tell (first application process whose frontmost is true) to tell menu bar 1 to tell menu "Window"

    set cellingSeperator to last menu item whose value of attribute "AXEnabled" is false
    set checkedItem to first menu item whose value of attribute "AXMenuItemMarkChar" is "✓"

        set intentionalError to cellingSeperator as Unicode text
    on error errorMessage
        set firstItemIndex to (characters ((offset of "«class menI» " in errorMessage) + 13) through ((offset of " of" in errorMessage) - 1) of errorMessage as string as integer) + 1
    end try

    repeat with iterator from firstItemIndex to number of menu items
        if value of attribute "AXFrame" of menu item iterator is equal to value of attribute "AXFrame" of checkedItem then
            set clickItemIndex to iterator + 1
            exit repeat
        end if
    end repeat

    if clickItemIndex is greater than number of menu items then set clickItemIndex to firstItemIndex

    tell menu item clickItemIndex to perform action "AXPress"

end tell