How to switch tabs programmatically in Android from fragment?

Finally i can switch between the tabs programatically from Fragments using the following line of code

  TabHost host = (TabHost) getActivity().findViewById(;

Hope it will help some one.

I have tabs (using TabLayout not TabHost(depreciated))(with Fragments) in my Main Activity in which in my first tab(fragment) with a click listener in the fragment which is for changing the current tab in my MainActivity.

I successfully change the current tab via the below in the onCreateView() method within the fragment.

TabLayout tabs = (TabLayout)((MainActivity)getActivity()).findViewById(;

for Material support you switch the tablayout from a fragment in the following ways:

1) send a broadcast that is received by the parent activity which then modifies the tab.


2.) A modification of vino's answer,

TabLayout tabhost = (TabLayout) getActivity().findViewById(;

tablayout is the id of the tablayout as defined in your main xml.