How To Sync CSS Animations Across Multiple Elements?

I don't think its possible natively, but you can actually hack similar functionality by using a bouncing wrapper and some position altering


<div id="bouncywrap">
    <div id="bouncy01">Drip</div>
    <div id="bouncy02">droP</div>


@-webkit-keyframes bounce {
    0% { padding-top:1px;}
/* using padding as it does not affect position:relative of sublinks
 * using 0 instead of 0 b/c of a box-model issue,
 * on kids wiht margin, but parents without margin, just try out
    50% { padding-top:5px;} /*desired value +1*/
    100% { padding-top:1px;}

#bouncy02 {
    background: #ff0000;
    padding: 10px;
    border: 1px solid #777;
#bouncywrap {
    -webkit-animation:bounce 0.125s ease-in-out infinite;
/*    background:grey; /*debug*/
#bouncy02 {
    background: #ffff00;
    top:2px; /*half of desired value, just a fix for the optic*/
#bouncy02:hover {
    position:relative; /*here happens the magic*/


I was looking for an alternative solution to those proposed here because:

  1. I am animating a background color - which can't use the positioning magic in the accepted answer.
  2. I wanted to avoid calculations for a very simple animation in my app.

After further research I came across this module by bealearts.

It exposes a very neat API that lets you keep an animation in sync across the app by referring to it's name:

import sync from 'css-animation-sync';

Since this seemed a little too good to be true, I tested the library (which is a single short file) in this fiddle and am happy to report it works (hover on the third image and see that I quickly syncs to the second image's animation) :).

Credit: I used the animation from this fiddle by Simurai as a basis for my fiddle.

If anyone wants to replicate the mechanism behind this synchronisation, the code is open, but in it's essence, it uses events listeners for the animation itself as sync points:

window.addEventListener('animationstart', animationStart, true);
window.addEventListener('animationiteration', animationIteration, true);

Hope this helps the next person looking for a solution to this problem.