How to Sync iPhone Core Data with web server, and then push to other devices?

If you are still looking for a way to go, look into the Couchbase mobile. This basically does all you want. (

I've done something similar to what you're trying to do. Let me tell you what I've learned and how I did it.

I assume you have a one-to-one relationship between your Core Data object and the model (or db schema) on the server. You simply want to keep the server contents in sync with the clients, but clients can also modify and add data. If I got that right, then keep reading.

I added four fields to assist with synchronization:

  1. sync_status - Add this field to your core data model only. It's used by the app to determine if you have a pending change on the item. I use the following codes: 0 means no changes, 1 means it's queued to be synchronized to the server, and 2 means it's a temporary object and can be purged.
  2. is_deleted - Add this to the server and core data model. Delete event shouldn't actually delete a row from the database or from your client model because it leaves you with nothing to synchronize back. By having this simple boolean flag, you can set is_deleted to 1, synchronize it, and everyone will be happy. You must also modify the code on the server and client to query non deleted items with "is_deleted=0".
  3. last_modified - Add this to the server and core data model. This field should automatically be updated with the current date and time by the server whenever anything changes on that record. It should never be modified by the client.
  4. guid - Add a globally unique id (see field to the server and core data model. This field becomes the primary key and becomes important when creating new records on the client. Normally your primary key is an incrementing integer on the server, but we have to keep in mind that content could be created offline and synchronized later. The GUID allows us to create a key while being offline.

On the client, add code to set sync_status to 1 on your model object whenever something changes and needs to be synchronized to the server. New model objects must generate a GUID.

Synchronization is a single request. The request contains:

  • The MAX last_modified time stamp of your model objects. This tells the server you only want changes after this time stamp.
  • A JSON array containing all items with sync_status=1.

The server gets the request and does this:

  • It takes the contents from the JSON array and modifies or adds the records it contains. The last_modified field is automatically updated.
  • The server returns a JSON array containing all objects with a last_modified time stamp greater than the time stamp sent in the request. This will include the objects it just received, which serves as an acknowledgment that the record was successfully synchronized to the server.

The app receives the response and does this:

  • It takes the contents from the JSON array and modifies or adds the records it contains. Each record get set a sync_status of 0.

I hope that helps. I used the word record and model interchangeably, but I think you get the idea. Good luck.

I suggest carefully reading and implementing the sync strategy discussed by Dan Grover at iPhone 2009 conference, available here as a pdf document.

This is a viable solution and is not that difficult to implement (Dan implemented this in several of its applications), overlapping the solution described by Chris. For an in-depth, theoretical discussion of syncing, see the paper from Russ Cox (MIT) and William Josephson (Princeton):

File Synchronization with Vector Time Pairs

which applies equally well to core data with some obvious modifications. This provides an overall much more robust and reliable sync strategy, but requires more effort to be implemented correctly.


It seems that the Grover's pdf file is no longer available (broken link, March 2015). UPDATE: the link is available through the Way Back Machine here

The Objective-C framework called ZSync and developed by Marcus Zarra has been deprecated, given that iCloud finally seems to support correct core data synchronization.