How to tell if a thread is the main thread in C#

You could do it like this:

// Do this when you start your application
static int mainThreadId;

// In Main method:
mainThreadId = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;

// If called in the non main thread, will return false;
public static bool IsMainThread
    get { return System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId == mainThreadId; }

EDIT I realized you could do it with reflection too, here is a snippet for that:

public static void CheckForMainThread()
    if (Thread.CurrentThread.GetApartmentState() == ApartmentState.STA &&
        !Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground && !Thread.CurrentThread.IsThreadPoolThread && Thread.CurrentThread.IsAlive)
        MethodInfo correctEntryMethod = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().EntryPoint;
        StackTrace trace = new StackTrace();
        StackFrame[] frames = trace.GetFrames();
        for (int i = frames.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            MethodBase method = frames[i].GetMethod();
            if (correctEntryMethod == method)

    // throw exception, the current thread is not the main thread...

If you're using Windows Forms or WPF, you can check to see if SynchronizationContext.Current is not null.

The main thread will get a valid SynchronizationContext set to the current context upon startup in Windows Forms and WPF.

Here is another option:

if (App.Current.Dispatcher.Thread == System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread)
    //we're on the main thread

Works for me.

EDIT : Forgot to mention that this works only in WPF. I was searching SO for the WPF case, and I didn't notice that this question is general .NET. Another option for Windows Forms could be

if (Application.OpenForms[0].InvokeRequired)
    //we're on the main thread

Of course, you should first make sure that there is at least one Form in the application.