How to test assert throws exception in Android

Are you using a junit4 test runner? The @Test annotation won't work if you're running a junit3 test runner. Check the version that you're using.

Secondly, the recommended way to check for exceptions in your code is to use a Rule (introduced in junit 4.7).

public ExpectedException exception = ExpectedException.none();

public void throwsIllegalArgumentExceptionIfIconIsNull() {
    // do something

    exception.expectMessage("Icon is null, not a file, or doesn't exist.");
    new DigitalAssetManager(null, null);

You can continue to use the @Test(expected=IOException.class), but the above has the advantage that if an exception is thrown before the exception.expect is called, then the test will fail.

I did something very similar to hopia's answer with a couple of improvements. I made it return the exception object so that you can check its message or any other properties, and I declared a Testable interface to replace Runnable because Runnable doesn't let your code under test throw checked exceptions.

public interface Testable {
    public void run() throws Exception;

public <T extends Exception> T assertThrows(
        final Class<T> expected, 
        final Testable codeUnderTest) throws Exception {
    T result = null;
    try {;
        fail("Expecting exception but none was thrown.");
    } catch(final Exception actual) {
        if (expected.isInstance(actual)) {
            result = expected.cast(actual);
        else {
            throw actual;
    return result;

Here's an example of calling it.

InvalidWordException ex = assertThrows(
    new Testable() {
        public void run() throws Exception {
            model.makeWord("FORG", player2);

        "FORG is not in the dictionary.", 

This is how I do it. I create a static method called assertThrowsException that takes in as arguments an expected exception class and a Runnable which contains the code under test.

import junit.framework.Assert;

public SpecialAsserts {
    public void assertThrowsException(final Class<? extends Exception> expected, final Runnable codeUnderTest) {
        try {
  "Expecting exception but none was thrown.");
        } catch(final Throwable result) {
            if (!expected.isInstance(result)) {
      "Exception was thrown was unexpected.");

This is the sample code to use the special assert in your test class (that extends AndroidTestCase or one of its derivatives):

public void testShouldThrowInvalidParameterException() {

    SpecialAsserts.assertThrowsException(InvalidParameterException.class, new Runnable() {
        public void run() {


Yes, there's a lot of work, but it's better than porting junit4 to android.