How to test if string matches a regex in POSIX shell? (not bash)

You could use expr:

if expr "$string" : "My" 1>/dev/null; then
  echo "It's there";

This would work with both sh and bash.

As a handy function:

exprq() {
  local value

  test "$2" = ":" && value="$3" || value="$2"
  expr "$1" : "$value" 1>/dev/null

# Or `exprq "somebody" "body"` if you'd rather ditch the ':'
if exprq "somebody" : "body"; then 
  echo "once told me"

Quoting from man expr:

          anchored pattern match of REGEXP in STRING

Using grep for such a simple pattern can be considered wasteful. Avoid that unnecessary fork, by using the Sh built-in Glob-matching engine (NOTE: This does not support regex):

case "$value" in
  *XXX*)  echo OK ;;
  *) echo fail ;;

It is POSIX compliant. Bash have simplified syntax for this:

if [[ "$value" == *XXX* ]]; then :; fi

and even regex:

[[ abcd =~ b.*d ]] && echo ok

The [[ ... ]] are a bash-ism. You can make your test shell-agnostic by just using grep with a normal if:

if echo "$string" | grep -q "My"; then
    echo "It's there!"