How to test model's callback method independently?

Callback and Callback behavior are independent tests. If you want to check an after_save callback, you need to think of it as two things:

  1. Is the callback being fired for the right events?
  2. Is the called function doing the right thing?

Assume you have the Article class with many callbacks, this is how you would test:

class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
  after_save    :do_something
  after_destroy :do_something_else

it "triggers do_something on save" do
  expect(@article).to receive(:do_something)

it "triggers do_something_else on destroy" do
  expect(@article).to receive(:do_something_else)

it "#do_something should work as expected" do
  # Actual tests for do_something method

This decouples your callbacks from behavior. For example, you could trigger the same callback method article.do_something when some other related object is updated, say like user.before_save { user.article.do_something }. This will accomodate all those.

So, keep testing your methods as usual. Worry about the callbacks separately.

Edit: typos and potential misconceptions Edit: change "do something" to "trigger something"

You can use shoulda-callback-matchers to test existence of your callbacks without calling them.

describe Article do
  it { callback(:do_something).after(:save) }

If you also want to test the behaviour of the callback:

describe Article do

  describe "#do_something" do
    it "gives the article something" do
      expect(@article).to have_something

In the spirit of Sandi Metz and minimalist testing, the suggestion in to confirm the call to a possibly private method does not seem right to me.

Testing a publicly-observable side-effect or confirming an outgoing command message makes more sense to me. Christian Rolle provided an example at