How to trace a NullPointerException in a chain of getters

In IntelliJ IDEA you can set exceptionbreakpoints. Those breakpoints fire whenever a specified exception is thrown (you can scope this to a package or a class).

That way it should be easy to find the source of your NPE.

I would assume, that you can do something similar in netbeans or eclipse.

EDIT: Here is an explanation on how to add an exceptionbreakpoint in eclipse

NPE is the most useless Exception in Java, period. It seems to be always lazily implemented and never tells exactly what caused it, even as simple as "class x.y.Z is null" would help a lot in debugging such cases.

Anyway, the only good way I've found to find the NPE thrower in these cases is the following kind of refactoring:


There you have it, now NPE points to correct line and thus correct method which threw the actual NPE. Not as elegant solution as I'd want it to be, but it works.

If you find yourself often writing:


this is probably a code smell and should be avoided. You can refactor, for example, into a.getE() which calls b.getE() which calls c.getE() which calls d.getE(). (This example may not make sense for your particular use case, but it's one pattern for fixing this code smell.)

See also the Law of Demeter, which says:

  • Your method can call other methods in its class directly
  • Your method can call methods on its own fields directly (but not on the fields' fields)
  • When your method takes parameters, your method can call methods on those parameters directly.
  • When your method creates local objects, that method can call methods on the local objects.

Therefore, one should not have a chain of messages, e.g. a.getB().getC().doSomething(). Following this "law" has many more benefits apart from making NullPointerExceptions easier to debug.

The answer depends on how you view (the contract of) your getters. If they may return null you should really check the return value each time. If the getter should not return null, the getter should contain a check and throw an exception (IllegalStateException?) instead of returning null, that you promised never to return. The stacktrace will point you to the exact getter. You could even put the unexpected state your getter found in the exception message.