How to transpose the contents of lines and columns in a file in Vim?
Here is a command in Vim language. So you don't have to compile Vim with +python support.
function! s:transpose()
let maxcol = 0
let lines = getline(1, line('$'))
for line in lines
let len = len(line)
if len > maxcol
let maxcol = len
let newlines = []
for col in range(0, maxcol - 1)
let newline = ''
for line in lines
let line_with_extra_spaces = printf('%-'.maxcol.'s', line)
let newline .= line_with_extra_spaces[col]
call add(newlines, newline)
call setline(1, newlines)
command! TransposeBuffer call s:transpose()
Put this in newly created .vim file inside vim/plugin dir or put this to your [._]vimrc.
Execute :TransposeBuffer
to transpose current buffer
Vim support for a number of scripting languages built in -- see the Python interface as an example.
Just modify vim.current.buffer
appropriately and you're set.
To be a little more specific:
function! Rotate()
python <<EOF
import vim, itertools
max_len = max((len(n) for n in vim.current.buffer))
vim.current.buffer[:] = [
''.join(n) for n in itertools.izip(
*( n + ' ' * (max_len - len(n))
for n in vim.current.buffer))]