How to treat ALL C# 8 nullable reference warnings as errors?
It is now possible to treat all nullable-related warnings as errors without explicitly specifying them all. To achieve this, you have to set <WarningsAsErrors>nullable</WarningsAsErrors>
in your *.csproj file [source].
Full example:
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">
The problem was that the .editorconfig
file was overriding the Visual Studio setting to treat all warnings as errors with many lines like:
dotnet_diagnostic.CS8602.severity = warning
This forces CS8602 to be a warning.
How this happened: In a previous attempt at turning all nullable reference warnings into errors, I set many of them as errors in the editor config. In that, I discovered both that there were a ton of different warning numbers and that my codebase wasn't ready for them to be errors throughout the entire solution. So I set them to "warning" in the editor config because I didn't want to lose the list of warnings I had found. Then later, having forgotten all about that, I decided to turn on treat warnings as errors on a project by project basis.
I would suggest to use this solution. It mentions all 3 errors and IMHO better solution
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
We have this list now: