How to typeset this in LaTeX



  \Phi =
        \vdots \\
        \phi_{iy} \\
  j % \,
        \vdots \\
        \cdots \phi_{iy} \hphantom{\cdots} \\
    }\limits^{\smash{\textstyle y}}
  }^{\text{aggr. states}}



  • The matrix is set using environment bmatrix of package amsmath that automatically sets the brackets.
  • \text of package amsmath (or amstext) sets text in text mode (automatically resized).
  • \mleft and \mright of package mleftright avoid the additional surrounding space of \left and \right.
  • \vphantom creates an emtpy box with width zero, but the height and depth of its argument. Thus the left brace only covers the matrix, not the stuff above.
  • \right. is an invisible right delimiter. TeX inserts the space \nulldelimiterspace, thus \kern-\nulldelimiterspace removes the space.
  • \begin{tabular}{@{}c@{}}...\end{tabular} is a trick to center the box around the math axis. (Internally \vcenter is used.)
  • The side bearings of the big left and right brackets are quite large. Thus the horizontal brace is a little wider than necessary (thanks Barbara Beeton for noticing). This is fixed by a negative space \! before and after the matrix. A \, could be inserted after j to keep the space to the matrix constant. But I have commented it, because a smaller distance looks better IMHO.

\usepackage{graphicx} %for the \rotatebox command
            & \vdots &  \\
            \cdots & \Phi_{jy} & \\
            & &  \\
\Phi = \text{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{states}}\left\{\vphantom{\usebox0}\right.\kern-\nulldelimiterspace\overbrace{\usebox0}^\text{aggr. states}

enter image description here