How to uninstall a .deb installed with dpkg?

First of all you should check if this package is correctly installed in your system and being listed by dpkg tool:

dpkg -l | grep urserver

It should have an option ii in the first column of the output - that means 'installed ok installed'.

If you'd like to remove the package itself (without the configuration files), you'll have to run:

dpkg -r urserver

If you'd like to delete (purge) the package completely (with configuration files), you'll have to run:

dpkg -P urserver

You may check if the package has been removed successfully - simply run again:

dpkg -l | grep urserver

If the package has been removed without configuration files, you'll see the rc status near the package name, otherwise, if you have purged the package completely, the output will be empty.

I figured it out:

dpkg -r urserver

