How to uninstall Janus?

Janus is just a collection of vim settings and plugins which are stored in the ~/.vim directory. Janus has a bootstrap installer that basically renames anything in that directory to whatever.old and then clones itself into that directory. So the counter effect would be to delete anything that doesn't end in .old and then take the .old off of everything. You could accomplish this with these commands.

cd ~/.vim
find . -not -name \*.old -delete
find . -name \*.old | while read file; do mv "$file" "${file%%.old}"; done

To uninstall janus, you can do this:

  • remove ~/.vim, ~/.vimrc and ~/.gvimrc - You can keep the rc files if you need the customization.
  • Remove ~/.vimrc.before and ~/.vimrc.after.
  • Remove the ~/.janus/ directory

That should be all.

The above process will remove all your customizations etc and all the plugins as well. So, make sure you delete only what you want to.



