how to update in sql code example

Example 1: sql update query

--update query example
 UPDATE table_name
 SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, ...
 WHERE condition;

Example 2: how to update date value in sql

   SET EndDate = CAST('2009-05-25' AS DATETIME)
 WHERE Id = 1

Example 3: sql update from select

UPDATE YourTable 
SET Col1 = OtherTable.Col1, 
    Col2 = OtherTable.Col2 
    SELECT ID, Col1, Col2 
    FROM other_table) AS OtherTable
    OtherTable.ID = YourTable.ID

Example 4: update sql

-- sql update using string format 
String = "UPDATE yourtable SET yourcolumn = '" + yourvealueintext + "' WHERE column = " + item_to_compare_the_position_of_Your_Column;
                                           -- or                                            
String = "UPDATE yourtable SET yourcolumn = " + yourvalue_in_number + " WHERE column = " + item_to_compare_the_position_of_Your_Column;

Example 5: sql update record

UPDATE table_name
SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2...., columnN = valueN
WHERE [condition];

Example 6: SQL Update

Mit UPATE werden  Datenwerte in der Datenbank aktualisiert. Nach Bedürfnis
können auch mehrere Datensätze auf einmal verändert werden. Mit WHERE werden
nur bestimmte Datensätze zu aktualisiert.

  UPDATE suppliers
      SET supplier_id = 50,
      supplier_name = 'Apple',
      city = 'Cupertino'
      supplier_name = 'Google';


Sql Example