How to update Intel microcode properly?

Manual method

How to verify if there's a new microcode update for your processor (Intel)

Go to the Intel drivers download center. Download the most recent microcode and then unpack the file, giving you a microcode.dat file.

  1. make sure you have the package iucode-tool:

    sudo apt-get install iucode-tool
  2. Create temp folder:

    mkdir /tmp/micro
  3. "Unpack" this microcode.dat file to a temporary location:

    iucode_tool -K/tmp/micro microcode.dat
  4. You can now check if there's a more recent microcode file using:

    modprobe cpuid && iucode_tool -tb -lS /tmp/micro

    (or wherever you unpacked the microcodes to).

    On my old Core 2 Duo the output is like this:

    iucode_tool: system has processor(s) with signature 0x0001067a
    selected microcodes:
    001: sig 0x0001067a, pf mask 0xa0, 2010-09-28, rev 0x0a0b, size 8192
    002: sig 0x0001067a, pf mask 0x11, 2010-09-28, rev 0x0a0b, size 8192
    003: sig 0x0001067a, pf mask 0x44, 2010-09-28, rev 0x0a0b, size 8192
  5. Compare this to the output of:

    dmesg | grep "updated"

    Sample output:

    [    1.056012] microcode: CPU0 updated to revision 0xa0b, date = 2010-09-28
    [    1.112010] microcode: CPU1 updated to revision 0xa0b, date = 2010-09-28

    This shows that my system already uses the most recent microcode.

Method using a repository

Follow the instructions in this tutorial (note that you do not need to install synaptic)

  1. Install the following packages:

    sudo apt-get install microcode.ctl intel-microcode
  2. Reboot your computer.

  3. Now check whether the microcode has been loaded properly, with the following terminal command:

    dmesg | grep microcode

    If all is well you should see several reports about the applied microcode.

Here is Pool of microcodes released by intel
download latest .deb package and install via

sudo dpkg -i intel-microcode_3.20191115.1ubuntu3_amd64.deb  

in My case it's intel-microcode_3.20191115.1ubuntu3_amd64.deb

P.S: ubuntu 18.04 shipped with 3.20180807a.0ubuntu0.18.04.1 and maintained to the latest, so no longer has to manually install it.

While @Rajat had the way to do it, his link is outdated You will be able to find the latest microcode here:;O=D

than after that, as root on your machine, do something like this:

dpkg -i intel-microcode_3.20191115.1ubuntu0.19.10.3_amd64.deb

