How to update Keras with conda

pip uninstall keras


pip install keras

  1. keras is collected in both the official channel and the conda-forge channel. Both of the two packages on Anaconda Cloud are not built the keras team, which explains why the package is outdated.

  2. For the time being, 20191007, package keras 2.3.0 is available in the conda-forge channel, for Linux only.

enter image description here


To get the keras 2.3.0 installed, make sure

  1. install keras from conda-forge channel
  2. you're installing it on Linux, otherwise the latest version you can get is 2.2.5

    conda upgrade -c conda-forge keras

If a "module is not found" error is thrown out, reinstall keras with --strict-channel-priority to make sure dependencies of keras are install from conda-forge as well.

conda install -c keras --strict-channel-priority


