How to upload a text file using Python-Requests without writing to disk

The requests docs provide us with this:

If you want, you can send strings to be received as files:

>>> url = ''
>>> files = {'file': ('report.csv', 'some,data,to,send\nanother,row,to,send\n')}

>>> r =, files=files)
>>> r.text
  "files": {
    "file": "some,data,to,send\\nanother,row,to,send\\n"

I posted it as another answer as it involves a different approach.

Why not use cStringIO?

import requests, cStringIO

file_content = 'This is the text of the file to upload'

r ='http://endpoint',
    params = {
    'token': 'api_token',
    'message': 'tag_message',
    files = {'filename': cStringIO.StringIO(file_content)},

I think requests uses some methods similar to ones we use with files. cStringIO provides them.

Example of usage

>>> from cStringIO import *
>>> a=StringIO("hello")