How to use Android Support typedef annotations in kotlin?
Edit: In case you miss the comments on the question or this answer, it's worth noting that the following technique compiles, but does not create the compile-time validation you would get in Java (which partially defeats the purpose of doing this). Consider using an enum class instead.
It is actually possible to use the @IntDef
support annotation by defining your values outside of the annotation class as const val
Using your example:
public class Test {
companion object {
annotation class Speed
const val SLOW = 0L
const val NORMAL = 1L
const val FAST = 2L
private lateinit var speed: Long
public fun setSpeed(@Speed speed: Long) {
this.speed = speed
Note that at this point the compiler seems to require the Long
type for the @IntDef
annotation instead of actual Int
Use this:
companion object {
const val FLAG_PAGE_PROCESS = 0L//待处理
const val FLAG_PAGE_EXCEPTION = 1L//设备异常
const val FLAG_PAGE_UNCHECKED = 2L//未审核
const val FLAG_PAGE_AUDIT = 3L//统计
fun newInstance(@FlagPageDef flagPage: Int): RepairFormsListFragment {
val fragment = RepairFormsListFragment()
val args = Bundle()
fragment.arguments = args
return fragment
annotation class FlagPageDef
There's currently no way to achieve exactly this in Kotlin, since an annotation class cannot have a body and thus you cannot declare a constant in it which would be processed by IntDef
. I've created an issue in the tracker:
For your problem though, I recommend you use a simple enum.
Forget @IntDef and @StringDef, Now, with ART, you can use enums instead.
From the official GoogleIO:
Plus, if you're still not sure if you should use enums, you can hear a bunch of people yelling at each other in the comments of the first answer over here:
Old answer:
Just create the @IntDef class as a java class and access it via kotlin code.
Create your type class:
public class mType { @IntDef({typeImpl.type1, typeImpl.type2, typeImpl.type3}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) public @interface typeImpl { int type1 = 0; int type2 = 1; int type3 = 2; } }
Put this function in any Kotlin object:
object MyObject{ fun accessType(@mType.typeImpl mType: Int) { ... } }
then access it:
fun somOtherFunc(){ MyObject.accessType(type1) }
**Notice: you don't have to put the access method inside an object.