How to use await in a python lambda

An "async lambda" can be emulated by combining a lambda with an async generator:1

key=lambda x: (await somefunction(x) for _ in '_').__anext__()

It is possible to move the ( ).__anext__() to a helper, which likely makes the pattern clearer as well:

def head(async_iterator): return async_iterator.__anext__()

key=lambda x: head(await somefunction(x) for _ in '_')

Note that the sort method/function in the standard library are not async. One needs an async version, such as asyncstdlib.sorted (disclaimer: I maintain this library):

import asyncstdlib as a

mylist = await a.sorted(mylist, key=lambda x: head(await somefunction(x) for _ in '_'))

Understanding the lambda ...: (...).__anext__() pattern

An "async lambda" would be an anonymous asynchronous function, or in other words an anonymous function evaluating to an awaitable. This is in parallel to how async def defines a named function evaluating to an awaitable.
The task can be split into two parts: An anonymous function expression and a nested awaitable expression.

  • An anonymous function expression is exactly what a lambda ...: ... is.

  • An awaitable expression is only allowed inside a coroutine function; however:

    • An (asynchronous) generator expression implicitly creates a (coroutine) function. As an async generator only needs async to run, it can be defined in a sync function (since Python 3.7).
    • An asynchronous iterable can be used as an awaitable via its __anext__ method.

These three parts are directly used in the "async lambda" pattern:

#   | regular lambda for the callable and scope
#   |         | async generator expression for an async scope
#   v         v                                    v first item as an awaitable
key=lambda x: (await somefunction(x) for _ in '_').__anext__()

The for _ in '_' in the async generator is only to have exactly one iteration. Any variant with at least one iteration will do.

1Be mindful whether an "async lambda" is actually needed in the first place, since async functions are first class just like regular functions. Just as lambda x: foo(x) is redundant and should just be foo, lambda x: (await bar(x) …) is redundant and should just be bar . The function body should do more than just call-and-await, such as 3 + await bar(x) or await bar(x) or await qux(x).

You can't. There is no async lambda, and even if there were, you coudln't pass it in as key function to list.sort(), since a key function will be called as a synchronous function and not awaited. An easy work-around is to annotate your list yourself:

mylist_annotated = [(await some_function(x), x) for x in mylist]
mylist = [x for key, x in mylist_annotated]

Note that await expressions in list comprehensions are only supported in Python 3.6+. If you're using 3.5, you can do the following:

mylist_annotated = []
for x in mylist:
    mylist_annotated.append((await some_function(x), x)) 
mylist = [x for key, x in mylist_annotated]

If you already defined a separate async function, you can simplify MisterMiyagi's answer even a bit more:

mylist = await a.sorted(

If you want to change the key after awaiting it, you can use asyncstdlib.apply:

mylist = await a.sorted(
    key=lambda x: a.apply(lambda after: 1 / after, some_function(x)))

Here is a complete example program:

import asyncio
import asyncstdlib as a

async def some_function(x):
    return x

async def testme():
    mylist=[2, 1, 3]

    mylist = await a.sorted(
        key=lambda x: a.apply(lambda after: 1 / after, some_function(x)))
    print(f'mylist is: {mylist}')

if __name__ == "__main__":

await cannot be included in a lambda function.

The solutions here can be shortened to:

from asyncio import coroutine, run

my_list = [. . .]

async def some_function(x) -> coroutine:
    . . .

my_list.sort(key=lambda x: await some_function(x))  # raises a SyntaxError
my_list.sort(key=lambda x: run(some_function(x))  # works