How to use bar chart to represent percentage in table?
defines the maximal width of the bar, which is 1
\newlength\MAX \setlength\MAX{5mm}
\begin{tabular}{@{} l l l @{}}
Pull Up Method & \Chart{1.000} & \Chart{0.600}\\
Move Field & \Chart{0.269} & \Chart{0.783}
It is also possible to change the height of the bar to the height of the characters.
Alternativly you could create a single bar like this: Is it possible to create a barchart in a table?.
With \usepackage{calc}
you could compute the differnce between the max value (defined with \newlength\WIDTHOFBAR
and \setlength\WIDTHOFBAR{1cm}
) to get the percentages representation with the following definiton.
Bar chart definition:
#1 {\color{black!100}\rule{#1cm}{8pt}}{\color{black!30}\rule{\WIDTHOFBAR - #1 cm}{8pt}}}
#1 {\color{black!100}\rule{#1cm}{8pt}}{\color{black!30}\rule{\WIDTHOFBAR - #1 cm}{8pt}}}
\begin{tabular}{ l r r r r r }
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{A} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{B}\\
\cmidrule(lr){2-3} \cmidrule(l){4-5}
Type & Precision & Recall & Precision & Recall \\\midrule
Move Type & \blackwhitebar{1.000} &\blackwhitebar{0.968} & ... & ... \\
Extract Type & \blackwhitebar{1.000} &\blackwhitebar{0.600} & ... & . \\
Here is a solution using tikz:
\fill[color=black] (0.0 , 0.0) rectangle (#1*3ex , 1.5ex );
\fill[color=gray] (#1*3ex , 0.0) rectangle (3.0ex, 1.5ex);
0.800 \DrawPercentageBar{0.8}
Here is the result:
You could also change the dimension of the bar depending on your needs.