How to use dataset to groupby

I would suggest you to start with creating a case class as

case class Monkey(city: String, firstName: String)

This case class should be defined outside the main class. Then you can just use toDS function and use groupBy and aggregation function called collect_list as below

import sqlContext.implicits._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._

val test = Seq(("New York", "Jack"),
  ("Los Angeles", "Tom"),
  ("Chicago", "David"),
  ("Houston", "John"),
  ("Detroit", "Michael"),
  ("Chicago", "Andrew"),
  ("Detroit", "Peter"),
  ("Detroit", "George")
  .map(row => Monkey(row._1, row._2))
  .agg(collect_list("firstName") as "list")

You will have output as

|city       |list                    |
|Los Angeles|[Tom]                   |
|Detroit    |[Michael, Peter, George]|
|Chicago    |[David, Andrew]         |
|Houston    |[John]                  |
|New York   |[Jack]                  |

You can always convert back to RDD by just calling .rdd function