how to use EXPECT_EQ for user defined type

Override the == operator. :)

class Object
    bool operator==(const Object& other) const
        return (this->member == other.member); // Modify this depending on the equality criteria
    int member;

On the test part:

Object a, b;
EXPECT_EQ(a, b); // Should work

There must be some way to check something.

a) return type is a data structure, where you can check the values of it's member variables :

struct A {
  int v1;
  float v2;
  char v4;

Then use EXPECT_EQ, EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ and available macros :

A a1{ 3, 2.2, 'a' };
A a2{ 4, 2.5, 'b' };
EXPECT_EQ( a1.v1, a2.v2 );

or even check like this if POD :

EXPECT_TRUE( 0 == std::memcmp( &a1, &a2, sizeof(a1) ) );

b) the return type has operator== implemented :

bool operator==( const A& lh, const A& rh ) {
    return std::make_tuple( lh.v1, lh.v2, lh.v4 ) == std::make_tuple( rh.v1, rh.v2, rh.v4 );

Then compare with EXPECT_EQ :

A a1{ 3, 2.2, 'a' };
A a2{ 4, 2.5, 'b' };
EXPECT_EQ( a1, a2 );

or with EXPECT_TRUE :

EXPECT_TRUE( a1 == a2 );


