How to use gdb python debugging extension inside virtualenv

I've solved the problem by using strace on gdb, grepping the "open" syscalls.

It seems that gdb makes a search for in several paths it guesses (according to the python binary), and whenever the file is not found it just fails silently.

Eventually the way to solve the problem is to link /usr/lib/debug/usr/bin/ into the env's bin directory. The name of the link should be <python binary name>, being in my case (...).

After that, everything seems to work.

@itai's answer only partially worked for me on Ubuntu Trusty (14.04). I found a couple of other things worked better:

sudo apt-get install python2.7-dbg

then, in the virtualenv:

. bin/activate
mkdir bin/.debug
ln -s /usr/lib/debug/usr/bin/ bin/.debug/
ln -s /usr/lib/debug/usr/bin/python2.7 bin/.debug/

gdb --args bin/python2.7 ...

This helped gdb find the python debugging symbols as well as the py-bt etc commands.