How to use HTTPGet variable in URL (ExactTarget)?

Here ya go for everyone needing to know this. Here's how it is done:

<p id="date" style="font-family:Georgia, serif; color:#446c5a; font-style:italic; font-size:16px; padding-top:0px; margin-bottom:0;">%%xtmonth%% %%xtday%%, %%xtyear%%</p>

%%[Var @curdate, @url
SET @curdate = Format(Now(), "MMddyyyy")
SET @url = Concat("", @curdate) ]%%


Many Thanks go to drakored for the syntax help on this!

Adding to this answer. If you want to track links from the html you are pulling in, you will need to use a wrap function as well, as so:

set @var1 = ""

var @getStatus, @content, @content2
set @content = HttpGET(treatascontent(@var1), false, 2, @getStatus)

set @content2 = Replace(treatascontentarea('TEST',@content),'http','httpgetwrap|http')



You can also use the RedirectTo function to use the URL inside your html code.

<a href="%%=RedirectTo(@linkURL)=%%" target="_blank">