How to use iTMSTransporter?

WWDC 2013 Session 306 "What's New in iTunes Connect" shows some examples of how to use iTMSTransporter. If you have access to an iOS Developer Program account, you should definitely check out this session.

For convencience, I added an alias to my .bash_profile. This allows me to invoke iTMSTransporter from any directory:

alias iTMSTransporter='`xcode-select --print-path`/../Applications/Application\'

You can download metadata specifications and the iTMSTransporter manual from iTunes Connect:

  • Log in
  • Click on Manage Your App
  • See Featured Resources section for metadata guides
  • See Transporter section for iTMSTransporter manual

You can also get help by executing iTMSTransporter -help [command].

While I'm not familiar with uploading achievements I've written a Ruby gem that contains a small command line program that might help you:

I also have a GUI (still somewhat rough around the edges) that might help:

Update (2017-08-16)

Apple has created iTunes Connect Resources & Help.

  • Transporter User Guide
  • App Metadata Specification

Film & TV specs are there too.

Transporter User Guide

export TRANSPORTER_HOME=xcode-select --print-path/../ Applications/Application\

To start Transporter, use the iTMSTransporter command in the Terminal app. You must use the iTMSTransporter command in the directory where Transporter is installed. To use Transporter, you must have an iTunes Connect account with the Admin or Technical role.

Using Lookup Mode $ iTMSTransporter -m lookupMetadata -u [iTunes Connect user name] -p [iTunes Connect password] -vendor_id [App SKU] -destination [destination path for App Store Package]

Using Verify Mode

$ iTMSTransporter -m verify -f [path to App Store Package] -u [iTunes Connect user name] -p [iTunes Connect password]

Using Upload Mode

$ iTMSTransporter -m upload -f [path to App Store Package] -u [iTunes Connect user name] -p [iTunes Connect password]

use altool -- it works the same as iTMSTransporter, but a bit more concise.

It's found here:


use as follows in a post-run jenkins script:

$ altool --upload-app -f /path/to/app.ipa -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD