How to use loess method in GGally::ggpairs using wrap function

One quick way is to write your own function... the one below was edited from the one provided by the ggpairs error message in your question


# Function to return points and geom_smooth
# allow for the method to be changed
my_fn <- function(data, mapping, method="loess", ...){
      p <- ggplot(data = data, mapping = mapping) + 
      geom_point() + 
      geom_smooth(method=method, ...)

# Default loess curve    
ggpairs(swiss[1:4], lower = list(continuous = my_fn))

enter image description here

# Use wrap to add further arguments; change method to lm
ggpairs(swiss[1:4], lower = list(continuous = wrap(my_fn, method="lm")))

enter image description here

This perhaps gives a bit more control over the arguments that are passed to each geon_

  my_fn <- function(data, mapping, pts=list(), smt=list(), ...){
              ggplot(data = data, mapping = mapping, ...) + 
               , pts) +
               , smt) 

# Plot 
        lower = list(continuous = 
                            pts=list(size=2, colour="red"), 
                            smt=list(method="lm", se=F, size=5, colour="blue"))))

Maybe you are taking the Coursera online course Regression Models and try to convert the Rmarkdown file given by the course to html file, and come across this error as I do.

The way I tried out is:

require(datasets); data(swiss); require(GGally); require(ggplot2)
g = ggpairs(swiss, lower = list(continuous = wrap("smooth", method = "lm")))

Also you can try using method="loess", but the outcome looks a bit different from that given in the lecture. method = "lm" may be a better fit as I see.

I suspected as well you were taking Coursera's class. Though, I could not find any github repo containing ggplot's examples.

Here's what I did to make it work:

gp = ggpairs(swiss, lower = list(continuous = "smooth"))