How to use mapper.Map inside MapperConfiguration of AutoMapper?

As of AutoMapper 8.0 and up The answer below for 5.1.1 still applies, but note that the use of ResolveUsing has been replaced with an overload of MapFrom, but the signature has otherwise remained consistent.

As of AutoMapper 5.1.1

You can get to the mapper using another overload of ResolveUsing with four parameters, fourth of which is ResolutionContext (context.Mapper):

var config = new MapperConfiguration(
    cfg => {
        cfg.CreateMap<Customer, CustomerDto>();
        cfg.CreateMap<Customer, DetailedCustomerDto>();
        cfg.CreateMap<Order, OrderDto>()
             .ForMember(dst => dst.Customer, src => src.ResolveUsing((order, orderDto, i, context) => {
                return order.Type == 1
                ? context.Mapper.Map<Customer, CustomerDto>(order.Customer)
                : context.Mapper.Map<Customer, DetailedCustomerDto>(order.Customer);

 var orderTypeOne = new Order();
 orderTypeOne.Type = 1;
 orderTypeOne.Customer = new Customer() {
    Id = 1

 var dto = config.CreateMapper().Map<Order, OrderDto>(orderTypeOne);
 Debug.Assert(dto.Customer.GetType() == typeof (CustomerDto));

 var orderTypeTwo = new Order();
 orderTypeTwo.Type = 2;
 orderTypeTwo.Customer = new Customer() {
     Id = 1
 dto = config.CreateMapper().Map<Order, OrderDto>(orderTypeTwo);
 Debug.Assert(dto.Customer.GetType() == typeof (DetailedCustomerDto));

Prior to AutoMapper 5.1.1

You can get to the mapper using another overload of ResolveUsing with two parameters, first of which is ResolutionResult (result.Context.Engine.Mapper):

var config = new MapperConfiguration(
    cfg => {
        cfg.CreateMap<Customer, CustomerDto>();
        cfg.CreateMap<Customer, DetailedCustomerDto>();
        cfg.CreateMap<Order, OrderDto>()
             .ForMember(dst => dst.Customer, src => src.ResolveUsing((result, order) => {
                return order.Type == 1
                ? result.Context.Engine.Mapper.Map<Customer, CustomerDto>(order.Customer)
                : result.Context.Engine.Mapper.Map<Customer, DetailedCustomerDto>(order.Customer);

 var orderTypeOne = new Order();
 orderTypeOne.Type = 1;
 orderTypeOne.Customer = new Customer() {
    Id = 1

 var dto = config.CreateMapper().Map<Order, OrderDto>(orderTypeOne);
 Debug.Assert(dto.Customer.GetType() == typeof (CustomerDto));

 var orderTypeTwo = new Order();
 orderTypeTwo.Type = 2;
 orderTypeTwo.Customer = new Customer() {
     Id = 1
 dto = config.CreateMapper().Map<Order, OrderDto>(orderTypeTwo);
 Debug.Assert(dto.Customer.GetType() == typeof (DetailedCustomerDto));

I'm using Automapper 9 and the answers above didn't work for me. Then for resolve my problem that is like yours I use .afterMap, like that:

public class AutoMapperOrder : Profile
        public AutoMapperOrder()
            CreateMap<Customer, CustomerDto>()

            CreateMap<Customer, DetailedCustomerDto>()

            CreateMap<Order, OrderDto>()
                .AfterMap((src, dest, context) => {
                dest.Customer = src.Type == 1
                    ? context.Mapper.Map<Customer, CustomerDto>(src.Customer)
                    : context.Mapper.Map<Customer, DetailedCustomerDto>(src.Customer)

I hope to help somebody.

In addition to Evk's great answer, which helped me, if you need to do a mapping inside a mapping inside a config/profile that requires a custom constructor (i.e. the type has no default constructor), the following will work in v5.2.0:

CreateMap<Models.Job, Models.API.Job>(MemberList.Source);

CreateMap<StaticPagedList<Models.Job>, StaticPagedList<Models.API.Job>>()
                .ConstructUsing((source, context) => new StaticPagedList<Models.API.Job>(
                    context.Mapper.Map<List<Models.Job>, List<Models.API.Job>>(source.ToList()),

In this example I'm mapping the X.PagedList custom collection type of one object type onto an equivalent collection of another object type. The first parameter to the lamdba expression is your source object, the second is your ResolutionContext from which you can access a mapper instance to map from.