how to use overbrace and underbrace when their arguments include alignment symbol

You can insert \phantom content to align \wedge:

enter image description here




  & \Omega_v := \bigl\{ (a, \sigma) \mid
    \overbrace{a \in A \wedge b \in B \wedge x(a, b) = v}^{\alpha} \\
  & \phantom{\Omega_v := \bigl\{ (a, \sigma) \mid a \in A} % for alignment with \wedge
    \wedge \underbrace{(\forall \sigma' \in B) [x(a, \sigma')!
      \neq v \rightarrow ( \sigma' \in \Sigma_{\mathrm{hib}}
      \vee b \in \Sigma_{\mathrm{for}})]}_{\beta}


I don't think you need to align the two \wedge symbols: a multline is better.




\Omega_{v} := \{(a,\sigma)\mid
  \overbrace{a \in A \wedge b \in B \wedge x(a,b)=v}^{\alpha}\\
  \wedge \underbrace{(\forall \sigma' \in B)[x(a,\sigma')!
     \neq v \rightarrow ( \sigma' \in \Sigma_{\mathrm{hib}}
     \vee b \in \Sigma_{\mathrm{for}})]}_{\beta}


enter image description here

In case you have reasons to keep the alignment symbols (like here), there is an alternative based on tikz:

% from
\newcommand{\tikzmark}[1]{\tikz[overlay,remember picture] \node (#1) {};}

\Omega_{v} := \{(a,\sigma)|\tikzmark{a}a \in A &\wedge b \in B \wedge
&\wedge \tikzmark{lb}(\forall \sigma' \in B)[x(a,\sigma')! \neq v \rightarrow
( \sigma' \in \Sigma_{\text{hib}} \vee b \in \Sigma_{\text{for}})\tikzmark{rb}]\}
\tikz[remember picture, overlay,decoration={brace}]{%
\draw[decorate,transform canvas={xshift=0em,yshift=0.75em},thick] (a.north) -- (v.north) node[above=3pt,midway] {$\alpha$};
\draw[decorate,transform canvas={xshift=0em,yshift=-0.5em},thick] (rb.south) -- (lb.south) node[below=3pt,midway] {$\beta$};}

enter image description here

Here you can control the distance of the brace, its thickness etc. Whether this is an advantage or disadvantage is a matter of taste.

