how to use populate and aggregate in same statement?
Edit: Looks like there's a new way to do it in the latest Mongoose API (see the above answer here:
Old answer below
You can use $lookup which is similar to populate.
In an unrelated example, I use $match to query for records and $lookup to populate a foreign model as a sub-property of these records:
{ $match: {interview: req.params.interview}},
{ $lookup: {from: 'users', localField: 'email', foreignField: 'email', as: 'user'} }
).exec( function (err, invites) {
if (err) {
With the latest version of mongoose (mongoose >= 3.6), you can but it requires a second query, and using populate differently. After your aggregation, do this:
Patients.populate(result, {path: "patient"}, callback);
See more at the Mongoose API and the Mongoose docs.