How to use rxandroid to listen gps location update

You can create Observables or Subject by using LocationListener and when getting callback in the onLocationChanged, just call onNext with the location object.

public final class LocationProvider implements onLocationChanged {
   private final PublishSubject<Location> latestLocation = PublishSubject.create();
    public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {

Then you can subscribe to it in a class that needs location.

There are also some open source libraries that you could use: Android-ReactiveLocation and cgeo

Also, see Observable-based API and unsubscribe issue

Hope this helps!

How about using this awesome library ?

add this to build.gradle

compile 'com.patloew.rxlocation:rxlocation:1.0.4'

you may use this snippet from the above mentioned library to subscribe on location changes, I believe this is the simplest way

// Create one instance and share it
RxLocation rxLocation = new RxLocation(context);

LocationRequest locationRequest = LocationRequest.create()

        .flatMap(location -> rxLocation.geocoding().fromLocation(location).toObservable())
        .subscribe(address -> {
            /* do something */