how to use sentry with graphql code example

Example: how to use sentry with graphql

didEncounterErrors(ctx) {
  // If we couldn't parse the operation, don't
  // do anything here
  if (!ctx.operation) {
  for (const err of ctx.errors) {
    // Only report internal server errors,
    // all errors extending ApolloError should be user-facing
    if (err instanceof ApolloError) {
    // Add scoped report details and send to Sentry
    Sentry.withScope(scope => {
      // Annotate whether failing operation was query/mutation/subscription
      scope.setTag("kind", ctx.operation.operation);
      // Log query and variables as extras
      // (make sure to strip out sensitive data!)
      scope.setExtra("query", ctx.request.query);
      scope.setExtra("variables", ctx.request.variables);
      if (err.path) {
        // We can also add the path as breadcrumb
          category: "query-path",
          message: err.path.join(" > "),
          level: Sentry.Severity.Debug


Misc Example