How to use the analog comparator to determine when an analog pin has reached a certain voltage?
I have a page about the analog comparator that has code:
volatile boolean triggered;
triggered = true;
void setup ()
Serial.begin (115200);
Serial.println ("Started.");
ADCSRB = 0; // (Disable) ACME: Analog Comparator Multiplexer Enable
ACSR = bit (ACI) // (Clear) Analog Comparator Interrupt Flag
| bit (ACIE) // Analog Comparator Interrupt Enable
| bit (ACIS1); // ACIS1, ACIS0: Analog Comparator Interrupt Mode Select (trigger on falling edge)
} // end of setup
void loop ()
if (triggered)
Serial.println ("Triggered!");
triggered = false;
} // end of loop
This is for a fixed reference voltage, for example: