how to use useMediaQuery in class component

You're not supplying the args needed for useMediaQuery, so Main is passed as the args, and a function that expects the component is returned. When React tried to render (call the function), the return value is another function, which is not value as a react child.

Call the function - withMediaQuery and pass it the media queries, and then pass Main to the returned function.


export default withStyles(styles)(withMediaQuery('(min-width:600px)')(Main));

Instead of limiting yourself to only one media query a better withMediaQuery HOC could be

import React from 'react'
import useMediaQuery from '@material-ui/core/useMediaQuery'

export const withMediaQuery = (queries = []) => Component => props => {
  const mediaProps = {}
  queries.forEach(q => {
    mediaProps[q[0]] = useMediaQuery(q[1])
  return <Component {...mediaProps} {...props} />

This would allow you to pass in multiple queries as an array of arrays. Each entry would be a prop name and then the query.

export default withStyles(styles)(withMediaQuery([
    ['isDesktop', theme => theme.breakpoints.up('lg'), {
      defaultMatches: true

In your component you could then request the prop names directly in render

render() {

    const { classes, children, IsDesktop = false } = this.props;

    const shouldOpenSidebar = IsDesktop ? true : this.state.openSidebar;

    return (
          [classes.root]: true,
          [classes.shiftContent]: isDesktop,
          variant={isDesktop ? 'persistent' : 'temporary'}
        <main className={classes.content}>