How to use Windows login for single-sign-on and for Active Directory entries for Desktop Java application?

It is not supported. Java 6 has improvements, but not enough yet.

Java has its own GSS stack. The problem is for single sign-on, you need to get the Kerberos ticket from the OS (not the Java stack). Otherwise the user has to authenticate a second time (defeating the purpose of single sign-on).

Look at Look down for "Access Native GSS-API" and it talks about a new system property which when set to true causes Java to use the underlying OS GSS implementation, giving access to the OS level authentication. Perfect!.... except its only supported for Solaris and Linux, not Microsoft Windows.

Java 6 however does appear to have enough support for acting as a server receiving SPNEGO authentication requests from IE and then authenticating that user against Active Directory. Its just the desktop client support that is still incomplete.

Use JAAS with an LDAP LoginModule. This will allow you to plug-into the underlying Java security infrastructure.

When you need to take the app offline or "debug" the app, you can easily swap-out the LDAP module for a dummy module. This allows you to continue testing your "security", without depending on Active Directory. Highly testable, decoupled, and you can the authentication scheme at a later time with almost no grief.

Project Waffle has both client and server-side code to do SSO on Windows. It's JNA-based, no native libraries required.