How to use wpflocalizeextension in Code-Behind?
I regularly use the following native command and have not encountered any errors yet:
LocalizeDictionary.Instance.GetLocalizedObject("keyComesHere", null, LocalizeDictionary.Instance.Culture).ToString()
Of course, before casting to string, you should check for null values.
This is pretty simple.
The localization keys are stored as AssemblyName:Resources:KeyName, where Resources is the Resources
class name, typically you won't change it to something other.
You can create a simple wrapper to get localized values:
using WPFLocalizeExtension.Extensions;
public static class LocalizationProvider
public static T GetLocalizedValue<T>(string key)
return LocExtension.GetLocalizedValue<T>(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().GetName().Name + ":Resources:" + key);
So assuming you have created your string resource with the "SignInBtn"
key, you can just call: