How to validate structure (or schema) of dictionary in Python?
Without using libraries, you could also define a simple recursive function like this:
def check_structure(struct, conf):
if isinstance(struct, dict) and isinstance(conf, dict):
# struct is a dict of types or other dicts
return all(k in conf and check_structure(struct[k], conf[k]) for k in struct)
if isinstance(struct, list) and isinstance(conf, list):
# struct is list in the form [type or dict]
return all(check_structure(struct[0], c) for c in conf)
elif isinstance(struct, type):
# struct is the type of conf
return isinstance(conf, struct)
# struct is neither a dict, nor list, not type
return False
This assumes that the config can have keys that are not in your structure, as in your example.
Update: New version also supports lists, e.g. like 'foo': [{'bar': int}]
You may use schema
(PyPi Link)
schema is a library for validating Python data structures, such as those obtained from config-files, forms, external services or command-line parsing, converted from JSON/YAML (or something else) to Python data-types.
from schema import Schema, And, Use, Optional, SchemaError
def check(conf_schema, conf):
return True
except SchemaError:
return False
conf_schema = Schema({
'version': And(Use(int)),
'info': {
'conf_one': And(Use(float)),
'conf_two': And(Use(str)),
'conf_three': And(Use(bool)),
Optional('optional_conf'): And(Use(str))
conf = {
'version': 1,
'info': {
'conf_one': 2.5,
'conf_two': 'foo',
'conf_three': False,
'optional_conf': 'bar'
print(check(conf_schema, conf))