How to validate with Javascript an Input text with Hours and Minutes

<script language="javascript">
function validateTime(obj)
    var timeValue = obj.value;
    if(timeValue == "" || timeValue.indexOf(":")<0)
        alert("Invalid Time format");
        return false;
        var sHours = timeValue.split(':')[0];
        var sMinutes = timeValue.split(':')[1];

        if(sHours == "" || isNaN(sHours) || parseInt(sHours)>23)
            alert("Invalid Time format");
            return false;
        else if(parseInt(sHours) == 0)
            sHours = "00";
        else if (sHours <10)
            sHours = "0"+sHours;

        if(sMinutes == "" || isNaN(sMinutes) || parseInt(sMinutes)>59)
            alert("Invalid Time format");
            return false;
        else if(parseInt(sMinutes) == 0)
            sMinutes = "00";
        else if (sMinutes <10)
            sMinutes = "0"+sMinutes;    

        obj.value = sHours + ":" + sMinutes;        

    return true;    

<input type="text" onblur="validateTime(this)">

Either with the following regular expression :


Or by hand, but I strongly suggest the RegExp :) A simple example :

function validateHhMm(inputField) {
    var isValid = /^([0-1]?[0-9]|2[0-4]):([0-5][0-9])(:[0-5][0-9])?$/.test(inputField.value);

    if (isValid) { = '#bfa';
    } else { = '#fba';

    return isValid;
<input type="text" onchange="validateHhMm(this);" />

The RegExp from the first answer doesn't match the OP's query correctly.


Should be


Matches 00-19 or 20-23 : 00-59

OP requested validation of HH:MM in the range 00:00 - 23:59

No seconds. 24:00 should not be valid. Double digits for input of hour and minute.

With moment.js the way is:

const time = '23:59'
moment(time, 'HH:mm', true).isValid()