How to view the current settings of Autovacuum in Postgres?
For the general settings use:
select *
from pg_settings
where name like '%autovacuum%'
for table specific settings, check out the column reloptions
in pg_class:
select relname, reloptions
from pg_class
You will probably want to join that to pg_namespace to limit this to a specific schema. Where joining needs to happen on the hidden col pg_namespace.oid
(added 9.3+).
select relname, reloptions, pg_namespace.nspname
from pg_class
join pg_namespace on pg_namespace.oid = pg_class.relnamespace
where relname like 'data%' and pg_namespace.nspname = 'public';
If you want to see the vacuum settings for a specific table:
SELECT relname, reloptions FROM pg_class WHERE relname='tablename';
The general vacuum settings can be seen in postgresql.conf