how to wait 5 seconds in a batch file code example
Example 1: how to wait for seconds in batch file
Windows version: w10
Set LoopVar to whatever number you want.
Not exactly 1 second per loop but roughly 1 second.
This will count down till it hits zero
the below example waits for 3 seconds and counts down to 1 (not zero)
@echo off
set LoopVar=3
PING localhost -n 2 >NUL
::\/ optional line
echo %LoopVar%
set /a LoopVar=%LoopVar%-1
if not %LoopVar%==0 goto Loop
::\/ optional line
below is simplifed delay without extra bits for pasting convence :)
@echo off
set LoopVar=3
PING localhost -n 2 >NUL
echo %LoopVar%
set /a LoopVar=%LoopVar%-1
if not %LoopVar%==0 goto Loop
Example 2: windows batch file wait 5 seconds