How to wait for an asynchronous setup in a unit test, in Dart?

While the accepted answer by Seth is correct, the following example may be easier to understand and reuse. It returns a Future and performs the setup in the Future's async worker function:

setUp(() {
  return Future(() async {
    await someFuture();
    await anotherFuture();

The test cases will be called after the last call to anotherFuture() returns.

With Dart M3, the setUp function can optionally return a Future. If setUp returns a Future, the unittest framework will wait for the Future to complete before running the individual test methods.

Here is an example:

group(('database') {
  var db = createDb();
  setUp(() {
    return openDatabase()
      .then((db) => populateForTests(db));

  test('read', () {
    Future future ='foo');
    future.then((value) {
      expect(value, 'bar');
    expect(future, completes);

Learn more about setUp.